
Spoken reviews

1. What happened to her at the age of 7?

2. What did she do for the following 5 years?

3. What did she accomplish as an artist?

- when I reached for the pen to write, I had to scrape it across those scars
- I remember her being very angry
- 'I know why the caged bird sings' was a very important literary feat
- to stand a chance to do something
- I wasn't a trained singer
- You flattened that A or that D
- She stood for litaracy, for freedom, for advocacy

- to get exposed to modern English
- we get exposure to new vocab
- we get to hear different accents
- it's light-hearted
- a variety of accents from all around Great Britain
- an interesting insight into British culture
- it looks at modern society
- it's well worth listening to
- it's thought-provoking
- that's also a really big bonus
- Jamie Oliver is hugely popular internationally
- a contest / a competition / a contestant
- to pick up how to tell stories
- it's fun vs it's funny
- binge wathing / binge eating

Have a look at some vocabulary for reviews


And some more vocabulary